2nd Dec 2022
Maintenance Announcement
Affected Services :
Windows Shared Hosting
Linux Shared Hosting
Windows Reseller Hosting
Maintenance Notice :
We will be conducting maintenance on our network equipment. The maintenance will start at the following time and should not exceed 120 minutes time frame.
Monday 5th of December 2022 07:30 a.m. CET.
During this time there will be ...
16th Dec 2021
Netspace India response to the CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability in Apache Log4j
Recently, several vendors, software packages, internet services, websites have been affected by the remote code execution vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 that was found in the Apache Log4j library, a part of the Apache Logging Project. If a product or service uses a vulnerable version of this library with the JDNI module for logging purposes, there ...
24th Jun 2021
Windows Migration Schedule Notice / Status - Updated
The website hosted on the listed IP's will be migrated on Saturday, 26th June 2021, 01:00 Hrs (1:00 AM) IST.
if you are using netspaceindia.com nameservers, then no action is required from your side. However, if you are using your private nameserver, A, Mx record or pop and SMTP hostname do remember to change the IP address ...
29th Nov 2019
The PHP versions PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 have reached EOL
Dear Customer,
This is to update you The PHP versions PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 have reached EOL.
Netspace (India) will stop supporting the above-listed PHP version and will support PHP 7.3. from Dec 15, 2019.
Each version you care about should have a changlog link. Click on it, search for 'deprecated`.There are actually only 2 files one ...