Installing Perl

 First we need to install Perl so the installation can commence. We’ll use the YUM repositories to make this happen. It is assumed you are running this command as a normal non-root user.

# cd ~
# sudo yum install perl

Downloading cPanel Installation Files

 Now we need to download the cPanel installation script. This small file will connect to the cPanel site and download the latest version.

# wget


Begin cPanel Installation


 Now we are ready to install cPanel. Please be prepared to leave your SSH connection open for several hours without interruption.If your connection is interrupted it could cause the installation to fail!

# sudo sh latest

Once the install is completed you should see:

cPanel Layer 2 Install Complete

Note :
CentOS has default iptables (firewall) rules that block access to cPanel ports out of the box. You can flush them with `iptables -F` and also remove them from /etc/sysconfig/iptables to prevent them from coming back on a system reboot or service restart.


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